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Autor Správa

Založený: 16.09.2007
Príspevky: 399
SMS donate: 0
Bydlisko: www.console-power.com

PríspevokZaslal: Ut Dec 31, 2013 10:02 am Odpovedať s citátomCelkom dole

    [size=150]Folklore.EUR.JB.PS3-BlaZe [05.10.10][/size]






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Official Fact Sheet
Despite being a realist, Keats unhappily finds himself a journalist for a third rate occult magazine. One day Keats receives a phone call from a woman asking for his help.

Through the static Keats hears the word “Doolin”. Sensing something wrong, Keats rushes to the village, but the woman he believes to have called him, is found murdered. He stays on to find out more about this murder. Strange events follow that night, and he travels to the “Netherworld”.

Having lost her mother as a young child, Ellen is prone to dreaming and tends to look away from reality. Strangely, she spends her holidays actively searching England’s countryside for folk stories. She is not so good with people but seems to have a rapport with children and the elderly. One day Ellen receives a letter from the mother she lost as a child, the message proposing a meeting in Doolin. She finds herself in the village at the same time as Keats. Here they wander between “reality” and the 7 Netherworlds, in search of the end to their stories.

Journey to seven incredibly vibrant realms, all uniquely designed and tailored to fit their distinct personalities. From the ruins of the Undersea City to the never-ending maze of the Endless Corridor, each destination is different from the next.
Inspired by western fairy tales, players interact with or clash against a cast of over 100 originally designed creatures, characters and monsters.
Using the SIXAXIS wirelsess controller, the player must battle monsters and literally “shake” them into submission and “yank” their powers from them. The absorbed powers will be used to capture or defeat the monsters that lie ahead.
Begin the game as either Keats or Ellen and learn their story and gameplay style. Keats uses traditional direct attacks while Ellen uses strategic methods to trap her enemies. Decisions made in one story line will directly impact the story path of the other.


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